CHATEIGNER Daniel Materials Science Activities

Updated 26/4/2006

Anisotropic spectroscopies

Contact: Daniel Chateigner

. . P-EXAFS and Texture: New hybrid organic-inorganic nickel phyllosilicates P-EXAFS and QTA: Sorption of Ni(II) on the edges of montmorillonite P-EXAFS and QTA: Th uptake on montmorillonite
P-EXAFS and QTA: Sorption of Zn phyllosilicate on the edges of hectorite P-EXAFS and QTA of reduced Garfield nontronite P-EXAFS and QTA of oxidised nontronites P-EXAFS and QTA: Co-adsorption on hectorite particle edges P-EXAFS and QTA coupling

Comments and suggestions are very welcome
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